謝謝遊玩這個遊戲的你們 ! 

源自於 2024 Garena TW Game Jam 中的專案衍生出來,這個版本是由我一個人負責的,目前處在剛畢業求職中,希望藉由專案的進行來增加我的程式能力!

遊戲源自於心臟病為構想,並根據題目 : 鬥智鬥勇、出奇制勝為期三天的開發時程所開發出來的,這次算是一個練習的機會。

事實上還有許多構想沒有實現,例如 : 發牌者的變體、道具效果的種類等等。💦💦💦

這個版本將原本構想中的一些內容給實現出來,包含 : 

  • 道具系統
  • 角色差異


  • 連線功能 (非常遺憾 :(((  )

遊戲人數 :

  •  2~4

遊戲玩法 :

  •  利用道具和速度盡可能的獲得分數,當血量歸零時將無法立刻SLAP並且會損失分數。當SLAP到錯誤的牌面也損失分數 ! 

選擇按鍵 : 選擇道具時使用

確定按鍵 :  確定道具、"SLAP" 時使用

  • 1P :  選擇按鍵 1、確定按鍵 2
  • 2P :  選擇按鍵 9、確定按鍵 0
  • 3P :  選擇按鍵 V、確定按鍵 B
  • 4P :  選擇按鍵 ⬇、確定按鍵 ⮕ 


Thank you to everyone who plays this little game !

This game is derived from the project in the 2024 Garena TW Game Jam and is in charge of me alone. I am currently looking for a job after graduating, and I hope to increase my programming skills through the progress of the project!

The game was conceived from the perspective of SlapJack and was developed over a three-day development period based on the title: A Battle of Wits and Courage, and a Surprise Victory. This time was regarded as an opportunity to practice.

In fact, there are still many ideas that have not been implemented, such as: variations of dealers, types of prop effects, etc. 💦💦💦

This version implements some of the original ideas, including:

  • Prop system
  • Role differences

But does not include:

  • Connection function (very sorry :((( )

Number of players: 

  • 2~4

How to play:

  •  Use props and speed to get as many points as possible. When the blood reaches zero, you will not be able to "SLAP" immediately and will lose points. You will also lose points when "SLAP" to the wrong card!

Select button: used when selecting props

Confirm button: Used when confirming props and "SLAP"

  • 1P: Select button 1. Confirm button 2
  • 2P: Select button 9. Confirm button 0
  • 3P: Select button V, OK button B
  • 4P: Select button ⬇, Confirm button ⮕


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nice game